Stalked at 17 (2012 TV Movie)
Important for Families to Watch
29 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot of fluff in the media right now, stuff which is just meant to entertain and nothing more. Is there anything wrong with that? No. But we often lose sight of what the media, film in this case, can do -- be entertaining and provide a good, strong message to a relevant audience. Stalked at 17 does a fantastic job of driving home very important points and relevant subject matter to its target audience.

The actors' portrayals of their characters (Taylor Spreitler and Chuck Hittinger, who you'll recognize from Melissa & Joey and Pretty Little Liars, respectively) are spot on, something young women and men can identify with.

The actors' who played the parents are also fantastic, driving home just how much turmoil can be stirred up in the situations of teenage pregnancy and, in a case such as this, a crazy boyfriend.

Speaking of which -- crazy he is. Really crazy. But the interesting aspect of the character as written in this script, and as portrayed by Mr. Hittinger, is that he is also relatable. Relatable in kidnapping and stalking? Not to a majority of the audience, of course. Relatable in that he is obsessive? Yes. Relatable in that he had a bad childhood and desperately wants to make up for it? Yes. Relatable that he is going about everything all wrong? Yes. A lot of young men do. There is a reason for his madness, one many people have dealt with in their own ways. And for this reason, he stays away from the moustache-twirling douche bag one might expect.

The ending of the movie leaves a little to be desired, but one of the last scenes if of the girl holding her baby, who will now grow up without its real father in most of its life. Sad. But not exactly fantasy.
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