A Great Peek Behind a Great Film
8 April 2013
As we now know, Charles Chaplin was (perhaps erroneously) investigated for his presumed adherence to Communism, and his general left-leaning views. This coincided nicely with the release of "Monsieur Verdoux", and was not a good thing for Chaplin.

The year was 1947, and Chaplin was asked by American patriot groups to be barred from the United States and his film was boycotted. How many theaters it ended up in, I do not know... but not nearly enough people saw it, that is for sure.

Political problems aside, the censors hated the film because of its perceived blasphemy and the moral message. So he had to make some changes (and really, it is probably a miracle that it was released at all given the subject matter).

This brief documentary looks at these things, and other aspects of Chaplin's life in the 1940s. It really is a must-see.
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