The Avengers: False Witness (1968)
Season 7, Episode 7
Really Good Episode...with One Major Flaw
17 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"False Witness" is pure Avengers camp in the best sense. Basically, a corrupt Lord is getting away with all sorts of crimes because he has hired a firm that has created a serum that makes people lie despite their best efforts at telling the truth. The "camp" part is that the serum is mixed in with ordinary milk and delivered to the witnesses and even the lawyer trying to prosecute the Lord.

This leads to a number of really funny lines from Tara (Linda Thorson) who is also being affected. There are a number of clever items from Mother's HQ on a double-decker bus to the butter machine that traps Tara King.

However, the major flaw in the plot concerns Melville, an agent who is being affected. While the serum makes people lie, it doesn't affect their actions as we see in the finale. Yet Melville's actions at the beginning of the episode make no sense at all once the effects of the serum have been explained.

One interesting aside is Rhonda, Mother's towering, yet silent helpmate who never speaks in the entire series does get to whistle (and Tara does an identical whistle not one minute later). Plus, Steed keeps eying her and even makes a point to sit next to her. Yet in future episodes Steed never shows any interest in her again apart from the throwaway tag in "Homicide & Old Lace".

Overall, an interesting episode that needed a bit of script-tightening to make it a classic.
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