Eight Below (2006)
Triumph through Teamwork
26 January 2013
Frank Marshall's 'Eight Below's a complete delight. Based on the Japanese film 'Nankyoku Monogatari' (a film I really want to watch), this heartwarming (and at times heartbreaking tale) focuses on a team of sled dogs who are left to fend for themselves in the snowstorm of a harsh winter of Antarctica. I think the film would have worked better if it only focused on the dogs (after they're left behind) and their survival after they've been abandoned rather than on Jerry Shepard's determination to get back and rescue them, mainly because this latter portion isn't properly explored.

However, the actors do a decent job. Paul Walker performs adequately. Jason Biggs provides some fine comic relief and Bruce Greenwood is okay. But, the best performance comes from the dogs (D.J., Timba, Troika, Noble, Flapjack, Dino, Sitka, Chase, Floyd, Ryan, Jasper and Lightning). Not only do they look adorable but credit must go to their trainers as well.

In addition, the the Antarctica sequences are terrifically shot. The visuals are fascinating. The images of the dogs against the beauty and harshness of the landscape is stunningly captured. The instrumental score in these sequences is effective.

In the end, 'Eight Below' is not only a story about survival but about sticking together as a team, all the way through it which, in the end, proved the key to their triumph. This is something many humans could learn from.
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