Review of Dirty

Dirty (2005)
A Bad Day For Me Just Got Worse
25 January 2013
The 25th Of January 2013 is a bad day for me . I inadvertently typed in the wrong PIN number on my bank card which means I can't get any money out of the machine in the wall and since it's the weekend that means Saturday and Sunday with no money . My boiler is on the blink which means a very expensive call out for a plumber . Oh hold even if I had my bank card there's no money in my account . Cold showers for the foreseeable future and my cold shower tomorrow morning I've got a very long bus journey for a jobs fair that I've promised the job centre I'd attend otherwise no benefits . I could have done with some cheering up so switched on the TV to watch DIRTY which hopefully would take my mind off my problems for a couple of hours . It didn't . It compounded them

The premise is good though obviously unoriginal . If you've the other comments here you'll see that the critics are reminded of several other films all of which are superior to this one , but the story isn't beyond redemption . The problem is the director Chris Fisher adopts a painfully over stated stance involving cinematography , editing and soundtrack . It could be the greatest screenplay ever written and within minutes the audience would be switching to over to something more relaxing such as MTV's 100 Loudest Nu-Metal Cou

ntdown . Honestly the directing is in yer face your head will explode It's certainly not the greatest screenplay ever but that said in the final third the story becomes compelling enough - if not to redeem the film - then to certainly stop DIRTY gaining a rare one out ten rating from me . Perhaps it was the fact I empathise that the two corrupt cops find themselves sinking deeper and deeper in an existentialist quicksand of their own making . That said their misery was one of their own making and of course they're mere characters in a fictional film where as people in real life find themselves sinking in to a metaphorical swamp it's usually caused by bad circumstance . But hey at least you've still got your health
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