Baby Love (1983)
Israeli graffiti
19 January 2013
Wait, so "Roman Za'ir" ("Baby Love" in English) is part of a series? I had literally never heard of the "Lemon Popsicle" series until I read about this movie on IMDb. But that doesn't diminish the movie. Watching it, I was laughing out loud and singing along with the soundtrack. It looks like the sort of movie that they really had fun making. Having never seen any of the other entries in the series, I can't compare this one to them. All that I can say is that Benji and his friends live life to the fullest. It's basically "American Graffiti" set in Israel, and it's a really good time. Rock 'n roll lives forever!

I wonder how you say "Dream Lover" and "Rhythm of the Rain" in Hebrew.
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