Review of Nightmares

Blue Bloods: Nightmares (2012)
Season 3, Episode 7
**1/2 Voodoo that You Don't Do So Well
10 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If Doris Day had seen this episode, she could have sung-"You Do that Voodoo that You Don't Do So Well!"

This Halloween episode seems to form a trend on episode shows. The subject matter just doesn't seem to work so well.

When a man who is dressed up as a priest is mistakenly taken for another priest and stabbed, the attention immediately is drawn to a Haitian who was being worked with a priest who is an exorcist. No, we're now bringing back the 1973 film with Linda Blair.

The scene with the voodoo ritual was ridiculous to say the least.

A far better story would have been the sidebar story with Ken Howard, powerful as an emotionally disturbed man, with a sport's career. We never find out why the Howard character is so deranged.

To top it off, the scene where Jennifer Espisito takes leave of Danny, is not fully explained.

Finally, when Frank's spokesman gets into difficulty with an alleged prostitute, Frank goes to bat for him. Would he do the same for the every day Joe confronted with a similar situation? This set a poor example.
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