Rating will go down dramatically...
23 October 2012
First off, I'm not a reviewer. Aside from making my opinions known to my friends and family, I've never made much of an attempt at doing any formal reviews. I was so disappointed with this film that I felt it was my duty to save the vast majority of people from wasting their time with this movie. My girlfriend and I were on Netflix, browsing through the endless mediocre and bland titles, when we stumbled across a movie that had almost five stars! A brief look at IMDb revealed an 8+ rating! So we hunker down and prepare ourselves for what we thought was going to be the best movie we've ever seen. Unless you like musicals with no plot then don't waste your time. After doing more in-depth research as to how this show received such high ratings I discovered that it is a cult film for those people who have seen the road show (whatever that is...I'm assuming a low- budget Broadway type thing?). Unless you are one of these fans of the road show I can almost guarantee that you will be utterly bored as people with stage makeup and carnie costumes sing and hop around a circus ring for 50 minutes. Save yourself the boredom and waste of time. I feel sorry for the others who were tricked (not really anyone's fault, just a cult film with a small but loyal fan base) into watching this, but now that it is on Netflix it will lose its near-perfect rating in a matter of days.
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