22 October 2012
It was enough for me to hear the demented ramblings of such a paragon of virtue like Jimmy Swaggart, to understand the whole evangelical, religious right. A dash of hard core nationalism and frantic flag waving, a little song, a little dance, easy answers to some of the hardest questions, and when you mix it all up- evangelical Christianity. These preachers calmly dismiss most of compassionate teachings of Jesus Christ, and dig into the Old Testament( by the way, the other people's holy book)randomly. Pick and choose few rules, mostly concerning the gay people, and there it is. They are the righteous, and we are sinners. It must be great to be that simple, to blindly follow the religious music man, and to be stunned when they fail to live up to their so high standards. My religion is much more complex, and it's a life long struggle to do good and be a better person. Good and very useful documentary.
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