A 'curate's egg' episode but still classic.
15 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This TV Series has never ceased to entertain me. Some might say that the series was withering. In my opinion I think it evolved. It evolved while keeping the proper ingredients to make an outstanding comedy in its own genre. Though I might say that the series lost a bit of its DIY aspect throughout the years. I found the aforementioned ingredients in this season premiere : a still screaming-around Charlie eating month-old rancid soup, Mac always trying to be the 'muscles' in the gang, Frank always finding himself in droll situations like being stuck head first in a trunk. I haven't particularly found Dennis and Dee brilliant in this episode. But I'm dying to see the following episodes of this season. I was quite excited when I saw Rickety Cricket (I had the same expression as Charlie and Mac when I saw him : Heyyyyyy-ooooo, admit it, you've said it Mac style) and 'The Lawyer' starring. I think it's the first time an episode is 'kind of' based on something that occurred in previous seasons (Pop-pop being a Nazi). It's risky, and may end up with a loss in terms of audience. But don't worry It's Always Sunny in Philly, seeing Charlie slobbering like in the good old days when he was on steroids deeply entertained me. All in all, I guess Charlie made my Day. No pun intended.
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