Best Zombie film ever????.... Not even close!!!!
8 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town (1989)

Starring: Jamie Rose, Catherine Carlen, Lycia Naff and starring Academy Award Winner Billy Bob Thornton

Synopsis: A female biker gang riding around America come across a small town where recently a few accidents have taken place and the residents have killed. The funeral undertaker has been experimenting on the recently deceased and sees an opportunity to kill off the 'Cycle Sluts' gang, use their bodies for experimentation or to feed the zombies. Review: From the title and synopsis, you'd be right in thinking this isn't a high valued film or even a serious one, it is a comedy-horror and it is in fact let down by its own writing. The film opens of the gang making their way down an open highway, just outside a small village a boy breaks into a deserted mine entrance and finds a room of zombies who feed on him and escape to slowly make their way to town, there 'homes'. In the town the biker gang go for some food, a garage to fix one of the bikes, stumbles across an ex-husband (Thornton, who didn't win his Academy Award for this film) and generally looking for a bit of fun and get themselves into a fight all before they leave. Jamie Rose (E.R, Chicago Hope other TV appearances) plays Dede a former resident of the town and once married to Donny (Thornton) who first discovers what is happening in town and to one of the biker's. Lycia Naff (most famously the three-breasted alien in Total Recall (1991)) is a former groupie turned 'cycle slut'. I don't recall any over the top funny moments except there is a particular song playing when the zombies are marching into town, it reminds me of Nightmare before Christmas, when Jack Skeleton is getting ready for Halloween. If you see this on any digital streaming website or horror channels of satellite ever… challenge yourself to sit through it… I dare you!

Verdict As an Zombie movie it's poor, as a spoof it's poor, as a straight to DVD/VHS/TV movie, I've actually seen worse, wouldn't make my top ten worse films of all-time list, although I wouldn't remember it after a couple of days…

See this if you liked: Any B-movie….
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