Tales of Tomorrow: Plague from Space (1952)
Season 1, Episode 30
Among the best of the series.
24 September 2012
This is an exceptional episode from "Tales of Tomorrow". "Plague From Space" is an especially harrowing episode--mostly because it SEEMS almost like something that could happen. It also features some nice acting from its lead, Gene Raymond.

The show is set on an air force base. From out of no where, a meteorite is spotted...but soon they realize it isn't a meteorite--it changes course, and a meteorite NEVER does that. It turns out to be a spacecraft--a very odd one. That's because there really isn't a pilot inside. It's more like a passenger...or, more accurately, a weapon in the form of a passenger. Soon, folks all over the base start keeling over...some of them dying! What's next? What's happening? See this episode and find out yourself.

This is a dark show--very, very dark. That might even be why I liked it, as I like my sci-fi to be dark and foreboding--and it's in this one in spades! It also proves you don't need a big budget to make an excellent show.
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