Mouse Trouble (1944)
Catching mice... by the book!
31 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This 'Tom and Jerry' short opens with Tom getting a book on how to catch mice in the post. He quickly starts reading it only to notice that Jerry is reading it too! Tom chases him back to his mouse hole then sets about trying each of the ideas proposed in the book. Of course none work; when he sets a trap it doesn't go off even when Jerry tugs at the cheese on it but does go off when Tom touches it, next he sets a snare but Jerry switches the cheese for a bowl of cream and Tom gets caught himself... and so it goes on with each successive idea leading to Tom getting more and more damaged until he is ultimately blown to kingdom come.

The gags here might be fairly predictable but they come thing and fast and are pretty funny... and delightfully cruel. The thing I found funniest was that after shooting himself in the head and effectively scalping himself Tom wears a shocking red toupee... normally this would be a one shot gag but here he continues to wear it to the end of the cartoon! The animation here looks good; certainly much better than it was in their '60s outings.
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