Peace Maker Kurogane (2003–2004)
Shinsengumi as the good guys
27 July 2012
This series is about a boy who joins the Shinsengumi in a bid to avenge his family's murder and in the process finds himself.

Given the above, the Shinsengumi are cast as the good guys as opposed to their usual portrayal as blood thirsty fanatics. It becomes the other side that are now portrayed as fanatics.

All th characters in the Shinsengumi are portrayed opposite to their usual portrayal. In fact it seems like most of the time its a bunch of lads banding together for a laugh.

And laughter there is, there are episodes which are quite amusing with comedy elements. The artwork is well rendered and consistent throughout. There is violence, rather bloody and some rather mature themes. In fact I was surprise that it brought out the idea of "shudo" (the jokes of which were pretty hilarious)

The series was entertaining although I feel that there were too many loose ends in terms of unexplained characters and the super natural story arc that abruptly ends.
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