Neil Labute
30 June 2012
Clearly, Neil Labute wrote the review on IMDb about how he was the only redeeming quality in this film. This sort of self promotion is despicable, given that he tries to salvage himself at the cost of all others who worked on this film. He is credited with writing, yet during filming, had to go back for a second shoot to add a "sub-plot", which was neglected in the first wave of filming. Poor, typical Utah-Mormon production! Labute has the audacity to both pan the film, yet compliment his role and ability as a comedic actor in the same review! The film was clearly a very low budget production, originally entitled "High Spirits", but when the larger production with the same title was made in 1988, Labute's film was forced to rename itself to "High School Spirits". Where is there a high school reference in any part of this film? No where! Except for the fact that it is as if a high schooler wrote it!
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