Thunder Bay (1953)
Preview of Later Films/ Issues
17 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Jimmy Stewart proves in this film he can bring something to even an average script by playing his role powerfully. This battle between shrimp fishermen and oilmen does not work with Stewart. This one is prime Stewart.

He has solid directing and Joane Dru plus Harry Morgan head a solid support cast. Still, while the script is a bit weak, Stewart takes this movie and makes it better than it should have been.

I can't see another actor in the role of the oilman bringing this one in. The was one of the earlier films where oilmen and the environment are addressed. While it is a little weak on the conflict, the actual facts on this issue are still not addressed properly now.

Men and technology have to co-exist. One side or the other is not right as we can not afford to get out of the middle on these types of issues. While the environment is the most important issue, going to either extreme will kill people. It does not matter if the polluter kills people or the environmentalist does, murder is murder.

When Stewart draws a line in the sand, as he does here, he brings something special to the table. That something special is what we need more of. It takes the good drama of a film like this to bring that out.
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