History 101 for the fastfood generation....
6 June 2012
Doing a short documentary, or a top 10 list over one of USA:s most controversial people, in this case J Edgar Hoover can only end in disaster.

J Edgar Hoover was the head of FBI for many years, for some the greatest law enforcement agent ever, to others a racist, homophobe(even though most scholars today assume he was gay)using illegal wire tapping, blackmail in order to preserve his power.

A highly private man who left few if any clues to his secretive nature, and has remained somewhat of a shadowy figure continues to fascinate.

Unfortunately here we only get mostly scandals, failures and odd behaviour by Hoover and snippets of gossip. In many ways one could have thought TMZ, or any other gossip site had produced this flawed production, and not History channel.

I can understand History channels approach as trying to make history lighthearted, entertaining and fun but here they take it one step too far.

The viewers aren't presented with any in depth look at Hoover nor do the program offer any broader views on the life and times of Hoovers actions and behaviour.

It is highly doubtful that the intended demographic(read:teenagers,young people that is not so interested in history) would have learned anything about Hoover and its a shame because Hoover and his actions should be taught and discussed by anyone interested in law, justice and civil liberties.

My hope is that talented director Alex Gibney will make a documentary about J Edgar Hoover, he needs one.
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