End of the Line (II) (2007)
The good reviewers must belong to a cult
20 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OMG, I watched this movie because of all the good reviews. Are you guys kidding me? How could you give this anymore than one star? I mean, really? Did you swap some of those little white pills before you wrote those reviews? If so, what the hell was in them?

Here's the deal. First it's cheaply made and could have some good thrills if the story bothered to make any sense and it wasn't so darn predictable. Also, I'm tired of these whacko film makers dragging Christians into their cultist films. If you look at all the crazy cults (many of which the Hollywood types subscribe) they are all new age cults. Never has a Christian church (even the whacko ones) ever made their members commit murder or suicide. The morons that wrote this obviously didn't bother to do some basic research. According to the story the Apocalypse is among us and the Christian whacko cult is killing every non-member to save their souls because the devil will rise them up as demons. I have a novel idea, how about at least reading the book of Apocalypse in the bible before doing a movie about it? If they bothered to spend five-minutes reading the very text of which their film is based, then they would have known that it's not the devil that rises the dead but God, and he does it so they can be judged. Nowhere are any of the dead ever risen as demons. For argument sake, lets say the writer was clever and the movie is based on more of a comic book universe with a different bible and different set of rules. Quite honestly I know the film makers aren't' that clever because I saw their piece of crap of a film, but hey, let's give them the benefit of the doubt. So, at the end demons arise from the dead but I thought I saw one climb out of a dead Christian cult body. So, what the heck? Were the Christian cultists the ones who weren't saved or did the demons come from the people they killed? You never know because the film doesn't make it clear. Overall, the movie sucked. Regardless, I'm really sick of theses film makers portraying Christianity and the bible so inaccurately that those that aren't Christian tend to think that these are really our beliefs.
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