Justice League: Doom (2012 Video)
A good adaption with a weak ending. Not for newcomers to the DC Universe
24 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
PROS 1.Voice Acting 2.Emotional resonance 3.The Villains 4.Cyborg CONS 1.The plans 2.How they 'saved the day' 3.You need to know the back stories.

**Read on for more details and SPOILERS **

First of, this is an adaption of Mark Waid's famous 'Tower of Babel' storyline in which Ra's Al Ghul, Extremist nature lover, desires to destroy humanity or at least most of it so that the world is a better place.In this movie, Vandal Savage( I think they wanted this to tie in with Young Justice where he is the primary antagonist for season 1) wan't to destroy 2/3rds of humanity with a solar flare so he can rule over the rest.

Problem: The Justice League

Solution: Steal Batman's files on how to deal with the Justice League.

Now the main plot is out of the way, I'll get straight to the pros and cons.


1.Yes, they're back.Conroy is THE BATMAN and Fillion has made Hal Jordan his own.The rest are good enough but the Flash sound more like wally than Barry.Overall,it's great.The villains are also done well with special mention to Bane and Savage.

2.Batman's love for his dead parents, Superman's desire to help others, Martian Manhunter's need to socialize, Flash's need to protect his family, Wonder Woman's fighting instinct and Green Lantern's concern over wielding the most powerful weapon in the galaxy all come through naturally enough to be their downfall. Through Lantern's plan was the most confusing, Fillion made it the most poignant of them all.

3.Bane for Batman(with a little of Knightfall 'I broke the bat' put in), Metallo with Superman and Star Saphire/ Carol Ferris for Green Lantern - all great choices. I think Circe may have been a better match for Wonder Woman. But all in all, if you read comics and know your heroes, you will love the pairings.

4.Cyborg was a great addition. Someone with technological knowledge better than batman is always welcome and I loved how he was the flaw in the plans along with batman being alive. An he seemed to be fitting in nicely with the story, and did not stick out like a sore thumb.


1.The plans: While Batman's and Martian Manhunter's were copied, the rest left me somewhat flummoxed. Especially Green Lantern's. Yes it all sounded great in Batman's mouth, but how could all that had happened be orchestrated?Why use robots?And those rebels and hostages - were they robots or real people who died?AARGH!Wonder woman ripping off Cyborg's arm was nice though. And who made the modifications to the plans? Some seemed Savage's and some seemed like the respective villains(You demoralize Green Lantern and bury Batman?YOU DON'T KILL THEM).Real confusing. Flash's bomb goes off if you slow down and Wonder Woman's hallucinations to keep her fighting were both derived from the comics.

2.Ra's plans in the book involved robbing speech and using germ warfare. That was stoppable. Here? The sun kills the earth! HOW THE HELL CAN U STOP THAT?Easy make the earth transparent.Huh?In 8 minutes, they managed to power up the villains transparent layer using the WatchTower and rendered the earth transparent.Huh?Earth saved?A resolution for resolution's sake.

3.Now the major problem.YOU WILL NOT GET THE MOVIE IF YOU DON'T READ THE COMICS.The pairings are the major points of this movie.If you know the heroes and the villains, you will enjoy almost 90% of the movie. And if you know nothing or are a basic reader, you will be lost for the majority of the film. Only Savage is given a back story. For the rest, read the comics and then watch.

In all, a good solid DC movie that could have been better, given the great source material.
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