Bearable for a wet Easter Monday
9 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK I'll agree with the critics this is probably the film that killed off the sitcom spin off boom as George and Mildred the movie is way below par compared with the television series and wasn't a big success at the box office.

However, it's not a complete disaster as the characters remain true to form- George is a layabout with no sex drive and no ambition and Mildred is a sexually frustrated social climber- and Stratford Johns is amusing as a mildly camp gangster Harry Pinto and the scene where George is seduced unwillingly by Pinto's moll is hilarious. It's just a shame that the Fourmiles, the snobbish next door neighbours, are reduced to minor roles and the car chase scene at the end is poor and predictable and some of the jokes are too obvious. Also could a socially inept and not very intelligent middle aged man really pass for a contract killer and would a top gangster be taken in by this.

Yet when the alternatives are football and property shows and Murder She Wrote, George and Mildred is passable and I always seem to end up watching it with such dire alternatives on the other channels. My advice would be, if you expect it to be as funny as the television show, you'll be disappointed, as I was when I first saw it in the eighties, but if you want an amiable way to pass the time on a wet Easter Monday, the film is watchable
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