Review of Gakseoltang

Gakseoltang (2006)
A splendid drama & horse racing movie (Korean style).
5 April 2012
Lump (of) Sugar is a 206 Korean film about a girl and her horse.


Only two users have posted a review of this film? And, nobody has bothered reviewing it since 2007?...That's just a travesty, and, it completely mystifies me that more people haven't seen this movie and thought enough of it to write a review!

Why haven't more people been watching movies from Asia (and from Korea in particular) over the last decade or so?...I hear so many excuses from my American brothers and sisters as to why they can't ever seem to watch the movies from Asia I recommend to them. Yet, they insist on dragging me to the latest horrifically awful Adam Sandler movies (I'm looking at you "Jack & Jill"), and the virtually unwatchable latest 3D/Sci-Fi crapfests (I'm looking at you "Transformers # whatever"). Maybe I need better friends or something (at least when it comes to enjoying movies with them), but I'd rather have a 24 hour prostate exam while getting a root canal, than watch either one of the 2 films referenced above ever again.

I saw Lump of Sugar almost 5 years ago, and, I absolutely loved it! The reason for this is simple; it's a pretty good movie!...No, scratch that, It's a VERY good movie!...But, hardly anybody stateside seems to know anything about it, or has ever heard of it (much less seen it). How is this possible?...are you too lazy to search out movies that are actually worth watching?...are subtitles too confusing to you, or did you simply never learn to read?...are you a racist, or are cultural differences too difficult to overcome for the sake of good cinematic experiences?...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? it that difficult to just simply watch and enjoy good film making, regardless of wherever it comes from?

I'm not even going to bother writing a detailed review of this film. I think the only other 2 user reviews are adequate enough, and I mostly agree with them. But, here's my "abbreviated" review for the record anyway: "This movie is really good! It's a drama! It's rock solid throughout and leads up to a terrific climax! It's about horse racing!...The lead actress is outstanding (as almost all Korean actresses seem to be), and the rest of cast is also good (including the horses)! Watch it! You will probably like it! 8 out of 10 stars for me! Enjoy!"

WARNING: This movie is the equivalent of an emotional litmus test from start to finish. Highs and lows, and everything in between, abound throughout. Korea is exceptionally gifted in regards to this aspect of film making, and I'm not one to cry over a "silly" flick, but I know a lot of people who do; if you're one of those that tend to get emotional over certain dramas, you might want to get a big box tissues ready prior to watching this wonderful movie!

A solid 8 stars overall. HIGHLY Recommended!
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