Review of Glades

Miami Vice: Glades (1984)
Season 1, Episode 9
Shootout in the Everglades
15 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Looking after a witness in a murder trial should be a fairly easy job; after all he came to the police volunteering information. Things go well enough till he gets sent a letter; after reading it he sneaks out of the safe house and heads back to his home deep in the Everglades. The trial will collapse if he isn't back within forty eight hours so Crockett and Tubbs head to the Glades to find him. When they get there the locals don't seem to friendly; a couple offer to help them but leave them beaten and lost deep in the glades. Soon another group find them but they don't seem too friendly at first. It turns out though they are part of the witness's family and he only fled because he learnt that his daughter has been kidnapped and he wanted Crockett and Tubbs' help to rescue her. It won't be easy; the kidnappers are well armed drug dealers who outnumber them two to one.

In some ways this is a bit silly; Crockett, Tubbs and a bunch of good ol' boys take on and defeat a larger force of well armed drug smugglers without taking any casualties... however if you can overlook this unlikelihood it is a lot of fun. The family is an entertaining bunch; especially the elderly Clem who was armed with an ancient alligator gun and was a lot sharper than people thought. The climactic shoot out was pretty exciting and end standoff between Crockett and the kidnapper who had a gun to the little girls head was pretty tense.
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