The Seven-Ups (1973)
Not in the same league as the French Connection but it has the same feel..oh and it has an even better car chase
18 February 2012
When you put this film and the French Connection together you'll see that the French Connection is just too good to compared to The Seven Ups. That doesn't mean this film isn't worth seeing. It just means don't expect the French Connection when you see this...cause you won't get it.

The Seven Ups has all the earmarks of a 70's Cop film. Corruption, Rogue cops and the mafia all rolled up into one. It has that stark landscape feel from the 70's. How gritty and grimy that decade was and you feel it throughout the entire film.

What this film has is the absolute best car chase in film IMO. Sure you can throw Bullitt and The French Connection in there...heck even Ronin had a wicked good car chase but when you want a real white knuckle car chase you just have to see the one in this film. You feel like your right in the middle of it. And the end of it...if you've never seen this film then you'll jump at the end of the chase. Wow what a great end to a chase.

Take this film with other great films of the 70's like Serpico or Dog Day afternoon and even the French Connection and see why the 70's was the greatest decade for cop films. Real stories real stunts = a solid decade.
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