Review of Solo

Alias: Solo (2005)
Season 5, Episode 6
Rachel goes solo
1 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This episode opens with Rachel's family being taken into protective custody for their own safety; although how safe they will be is open to doubt as Sloane knows where they are and he is now working for Dean... he says he won't help Dean do anything that could harm APO but me might not be in position to make such promises. Dean tells Sloane to use APO resources to track down a Hungarian software designer, Janos Vak, and steal his data... of course it won't be easy; Renée will have to acquire information in Algeria, then Sydney and the team will have to break into a safe in a Chinese consulate in India before Rachel can pay a visit to their target who is living on an oil platform in the South China Sea. While most of the team are in on the action this is really Rachel's episode; she is unsure of herself after making a basic mistake in India but APO of no choice but to use her in the final part of the mission as the only visitors allowed onto the platform are the woman who come to 'entertain' Janos... normally it would be a job for Sydney but her pregnancy renders her somewhat unsuitable for the role! Rachel copes well enough with Janos but things get trickier when her old friend Peyton turns up.

This was another fine episode with plenty of excitement as well as a few laughs; Dixon's distraction in the Chinese consulate was hilarious. Rachel Nichols continues to do a fine job as Rachel; she is becoming a good member of the team and it was good to see Amy Acker return as Peyton; especially as she got an action scene with Rachel; the first of many I suspect! It is good to see Sloane back at APO and being somewhat devious as always... although even he has some standards it appears; at least for the time being.
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