Review of Deadgirl

Deadgirl (2008)
Where are the cops in all this?
15 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A very interesting premise whose potential unfortunately meant nothing to the imbeciles who wrote and directed this.

The idea of a dead/undead zombie-like woman (not girl) being found in a run-down abandoned old building could have been turned into an excellent horror film. Alas, this is the 21st century, the age of teens-in-horror-flicks, so the first thing the dumb writer decided to do, in order to make sure that DG doesn't turn into a good film (God forbid), was to give it that crap old US-teens slant. Jocks, nerds, cheerleaders - the whole shebang. It's the same old suburban-high-school clichés, executed with great pride (proud in making garbage - some people are like that), mixed in with some hammy acting by a largely amateur cast.

So what do the teens do with this amazing discovery? They rape her. Over and over. And then some more. 90% of the movie is the dolts organizing the rapes, raping, raping some more, squabbling who should be allowed to rape, etc. It's a bird-brained festival of the highest order.

Besides this, why is DG one of the most idiotic horror films ever made?

1) It assumes that almost every high school male is a potential psychopath, rapist and necrophile.

2) Every high-school kid takes exactly three minutes to take his pants off upon seeing an obviously WOUNDED ZOMBIE FEMALE lying prostrated on a hospital bed, in a smelly, old building. Duh.

3) The police, bless their hearts, never make an appearance here. A dozen people find out about what's going on, it seems at one point that everyone does except the cops.

4) People get killed, hence disappear, and yet the police still don't get anywhere near involved.

5) A jock savagely beats up two "nerds" in broad daylight, and on school premises, and yet no-one shows up to either stop them, arrest them, question them, or anything else. Not the faculty, not the police, no-one. As many retarded "teens" (more like 25 year-olds) that this flick has, on one had, it is totally deficient when it comes to the adult population. What is this, Bombay? 90% of everyone is younger than 18?

6) The jocks, upon hearing that the "nerds" have a secret, pack them up in the back of a car (blood gushing out of their wounds and all), gangster-style, in broad daylight. No-one notices, no-one cares. The police are on vacation in this movie. Or perhaps they do not even exist: a distinct possibility, come to think of it.

7) Deadgirl (the zombie woman) obviously knows her friends from her enemies (she decided not to hurt the one nerd who didn't molest her), and yet she misses out on ample opportunities to hurt J.T., the "master-mind nerd" who does her most harm. She even SAVES him from a rabid dog.

8) Deadgirl is being freed by our "hero" (who turns out to be just as psychopathic as all the other males in this movie), but instead of letting him finish the job of untying her, she snatches his wrist and won't let go, hence scares him, and he changes his mind. Duh.

9) When J.T. and the ski-cap moron hit a woman on the head with a heavy metal object, she doesn't fall down. Instead, she turns around, looks at them for about 15 seconds, and then falls down, like in a Loony Toons cartoon.

10) At the end, Deadgirl escapes. Two women are missing, three guys are dead/missing and one is severely infected (the jock), and yet after all this occurs our hero gets to have his own basement where he can now rape his high-school sweetheart in peace (who is now a zombie). In peace, yes. No police to bother him, ask questions, or follow him around. Police are like a light breeze: never seen, hardly ever felt. Sort of like the non-wind in the writer's empty head.

11) Yes, that also means the jock never told the police anything, either, in spite of dying from an unknown infection which would have had the international medical community standing up on their heads in no time.

But I forget: there is no police in this movie, and no hospitals. In fact no infrastructure at all, I believe, just one high school. And a bunch of ultra-retarded "teens", some bad actors, and a script written by a monkey's *ss.
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