The Ridges (2011)
Is this(really?) Movie of the Year?!
6 December 2011
The Ridges is an improv movie that lives or dies on the strength of the performances, of each actors they have good moments and bad moments.

Captured on videotape, (I think) color 8mm, The Ridges is compelling as a faux documentary.

Still, a few good minutes of footage does not make a movie stellar. The movie is okay, and often funny, but it is not a horror movie more so a thriller if anything. However, for the thriller buffs or indie film fan, this is a great example of something, for you because it does not get more independent than this.

I had to rethink grading this movie after watching all of the features on the special edition. Because I was very critical on the directing and acting however after finding out that it was not any of the actors(really) directing the camera I was more accepting. Also with a outline based script I was more understanding that the director allowed the actors to use a natural feel I completely understand this project as a whole.

Not to live by the claim of "Movie of the Year" this film has plenty of flaws that most can be forgiven but not all. I would love to see more footage of what they were running from! Where was it? I was expecting more but it never came about. Thank God it did not have shaken camera syndrome I would've been very upset. I would've like more character development between the characters it seemed as if they were partying then the mention a little bit about doing an investigation then "BOOM" they are there it seemed rushed. I don't understand how come none of the girls touched the camera(In the movie)because we only watched one guy in the first half of the film. I completely understand this film was made in Ohio BUT there has to be more talent there than this.

I did like the fact that some of the things were planned out i.e. The Ending. Things wrapped up kind of cool I was just expecting something different... not necessarily a bad thing. This film will most likely get compared to Paranormal Activity but I think it is more like Blair Witch than anything.
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