Review of Just Let Go

Dexter: Just Let Go (2011)
Season 6, Episode 6
Brother Sam
6 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It is clear the impact Brother Sam has on Dexter, as he lays in a hospital battling for his own life, after the attempt on his life. It becomes clear that Leo Hernandez, a member of a gang, had it in for the man that saw his evil ways and repented, giving back to the community by employing guys that were trying to make something out of their lives. Dexter is seen casing Hernandez's house, but so is detective Mike Anderson. Dexter is around as Anderson asks Leo to step out. The man comes with a weapon and Mike kills him.

Deb is being haunted by Maria LaGuerta, who gets every opportunity to demand things from her. She is obviously jealous of the woman who got the job her former husband deserved. Batista and Quinn give Deb the book they took from Clarissa Porter, the college professor the detectives met in Tallahassee. She wants to have the woman come for an interview. Her own therapy after having killed the guy at the lounge, is over. She gets a clean bill of health, but is she really dealing with problems in her own life?

Dexter becomes intrigued in watching the surveillance tape when Brother Sam is shot. He realizes the guard dog knows the killer because he stays put, not attacking the assailant. The only one that fits that description is Nick. Dexter comes to talk to Brother Sam at the hospital. He realizes the man will soon die. Sam regains his conscience for a moment pleading with Dexter to leave Nick be. He wants the darkness go out from Dexter's life. As the prayer vigil is going on outside Sam's room, word comes he has passed. Dexter is deeply disturbed by his friend's demise.

As Batista is interviewing Clarissa, Deb is seen outside the interrogation room, listening to the way she explains her involvement with Gellar. Noticing Quinn at his desk, she demands to know why is he not in the room with Batista. Quinn has no choice but to go inside. Clarissa is surprised to see the man again after their sex encounter. AS the questioning is getting on her nerves, Clarissa storms out of the room hinting at having been intimate with Joey, something that drives Deb up a wall. Whatever she felt for Quinn is now over. What is worse, he is interfering with the investigation.

Travis has been preparing a branding iron to be used on the young woman Gellar and him kidnapped. The woman begs for mercy with Travis. Earlier, Travis has gone to the school where his sister works. She is surrounded by toddlers innocently making pictures outdoors. When he comes with the hot iron which shows the tattoo associated to their murders, Travis hears the young woman ask to be let go to her young son, who needs her. Travis ends up releasing the woman.

Dexter has a chance to get Nick for a long talk. They end up at an isolated stretch of beach. Dexter accuses Nick of shooting Sam. The man can only offer lame excuses. Then, in a change of heart, Nick becomes bolder in his answers to Dexter. After all, he reasons, it is your word against mine, so try to prove it. A furious Dexter grabs Nick and forces him into the water where he forces the bad guy to drown. After killing Nick, Dexter gets a vision of his own brother Brian standing at the shore.

John Dahl is on hand again to direct tonight's chapter which was written by Jace Richdale. The death of Sam clearly has a lot to do in sending Dexter into one of his worst moments. He started being skeptical about the con turned into a man of God, but being at his bed side, convinced the man had really changed. Mos Def is not an actor, although he has been given opportunities other better men do not get. To his credit, he has a chance to seem real in his scene with Dexter. The episode covered a lot of territory. Regulars, guest stars, and supporting cast do a good job under Mr. Dahl's direction.
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