Review of Ra.One

Ra.One (2011)
This film should have been a documentary on marketing management!
24 November 2011
It takes a lot of courage to put your money and time behind a story and bring it to the screen. But does it? I have seen many a flick in probably every genre (except perhaps horror), but this movie takes the cake for the worst sci-fi movie ever made.

The film starts off with a lewd and disgusting imitation of south Indians by Shah Rukh Khan. Not only is his acting (or should I say lack of it) hideous, it is insulting and revolting.

This movie is the strongest evidence that people still judge a book by its cover. From the ludicrous display of women as toys for sex, to the abysmal and down right disgusting show of cheap and ill conceived comedy, this movie is a hallmark of errors that needn't be made by film makers.

Shah Rukh Khan in his various avatars during this movie shows that all you need to SELL a movie is sex, regionalism, an extremely popular star cast and an international music artist (yeah Akon, I'm talking about you).

With a plot that you could summarise in less than ten words, and acting that would make a 1 year old seem a worthy Oscar performer, this movie could not have been more worse.

The word disappointing doesn't even begin to show the worth of this movie. It was so bad, I wouldn't even watch a pirated copy.

I wish there was a minus rating available here. Alas!
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