A deck of aces up its sleeve!
17 October 2011
Hollywood has long been cinematically pitched as the impenetrable Machine, the Wall which cannot be scaled or breached. It's Ken Kesey's 'Combine' in his book "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest". It's the inescapable Hollywood that screenwriter Joe Gillis dashes himself against in "Sunset Boulevard".

The premise of Eagles in the Chicken Coop is making it in Hollywood. The pleasant surprise, for me, is how freshly it portrays basic concepts of human struggle, adversity and ingenuity. You won't have to grasp for the ultimate Grail of A-List status in Tinsel Town to empathize; you've faced vexing obstacles when trying to bring your own dreams or goals to fruition. The artistry in presenting these timeless truths with such easy familiarity is why you'll relate to the film from the get-go.

Between chuckles and cheers, hopefully you'll appreciate the excellent performances, the sharpness and pace of the story and the beautiful realism of the locations just as I did. See it – then watch it again to gather in the missed gems your first time through.
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