A bit above your typical Thai Martial Arts movie
13 October 2011
Since Ong Bak, i have started watching Thai Martial Arts movie. To be honest i think the Muay Thai is a great art to watch, and usually the Thais are going for hard hitting, like some people mentioned, you can see the hits connect, the dust created by it and such. On the action parts, this movie is an A+, great fighting scenes, and even if they showcase some obvious choreography, the way they are film really make them look more real than your traditional Chinese kung fu/American kickboxing movie.

But another thing that i realize watching Thai movies, its that usually the story is pretty bad. Most of them revolve around some little village traditional artifacts being stolen and our hero go get them back in the big city. Other times, they try something different but it always fail. Here they tried doing "The Running Man" kinda story. It could had worked, but it got a bit too goofy for me at some points, and lets say that you don't really get into the story that much. Anyway mostly this movie is a big fighting sequence past the first half hour and this is what you can expect from a Thai movie, not more, not less. If one day Thais come out with a very good story, i will be the first to applause. Maybe i identify myself more to American MA movies, being a Caucasian, but i got hooked a lot into Chinese or Japanese movies as well cause they had excellent stories. Im sure Thais can come out with one , one day.
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