Review of Inside Out

Inside Out (I) (2011)
Boring, Paint By Numbers...Typical of WWE Films
28 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I must be a masochist, or perhaps an optimist because I have seen most of the WWE Films movies and none of them are any good. Perhaps, deep in my subconscious I think "this one will be different, this one will surprise me" but this has yet to actually happen. Inside Out fails in ways that past WWE vehicles have: there is not a hint of originality, you can predict what will happen next as you watch it, the wrestler (in this case Paul "Triple H" Levesque) is not very good and the supporting cast phones it in.

Inside out is quite frankly boring. The plot lulls you into a coma and you'll forget about the film as you watch it. There is nothing here that hasn't been done before and better. HHH is getting out of prison, wants to live the clean life but gets sucked in by his friend that was the cause of his prison stint, the friend has married HHH's love and they have a daughter that is really HHH's...blah blah blah. As I watched this I began to question whether or not I suffer from ADD because I found it difficult to focus on.

If you want to watch a good movie with a wrestler in a starring role watch They Live with Roddy Piper and please: don't be like me. If you see "WWE Films" pop up on the screen don't waste your time.
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