A Must for Horror Fans
10 August 2011
Return of the Monster Maker (1958)

*** (out of 4)

Fun short from Don Glut has Dr. Frankenstein sending the monster and Ygor out to find new materials so that he can create another monster. Once the new creation is put together it too goes on a killing spree and it's up to Dr. Frankenstein to stop it. This short runs just 4-minutes but fans of the Universal monster movies will find it to be pleasant enough. I thought Glut did a pretty good job getting as much out of the running time as he did. The best thing about the movie is clearly the new monster who is being played by Glut. I'm really not sure what type of mask they were using for this monster but it looks terrific and just check out the monster detail in the mask. They certainly don't make Halloween masks like that today! Once again, it's fun getting to see this new version of Ygor and the monster do their thing and fans of those Universal flicks will see the love that went into creating this film. I will say that the way the monsters are destroyed was somewhat weak but other than this the film manages to work very well.
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