Hunt to Kill (2010)
Don't waste your time
27 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear. I don't expect much from an "action" flick starring Steve Austen, but this managed to tick all the bad film boxes.

Poor script, poor acting and terrible direction, but worst of all was the plot, if it's not an insult to plots to call it that. There were so many holes and improbable coincidences, it's hard to know where to begin, but I'll point out a few which will make sense if you have had the misfortune to see the film:

  • Why did Lawson leave the bomb in the place most likely to be found by the other baddies? Not very clever.

  • Why did he wire the bomb so that the cutting of the only wire connecting the phone to the explosives deactivates it? Not very sophisticated.

  • Why did he wait a good five minutes after making off with the loot before deciding to make the call, giving others plenty of time to find and deactivate the bomb? Getting really thin, now.

  • When other baddies find the bomb, they all stand around it discussing what to do (putting their fingers in their ears in case it explodes). They are in a big warehouse (conveniently with only one exit - they couldn't shoot the lock?) full of equipment and stuff. It doesn't occur to any of them to barricade the bomb in one corner and barricade himself in the opposite one.

  • Why did Lawson try to get to Canada through the woods when he could have just driven across the border? Geez this guy was stupid.

  • The other end of the rope tying up the daughter was held in Dominika's hand. Ooo - very secure!

  • Why did the baddies not tie Austin up at night to prevent him attempting to escape/kill them?

  • How did the watch strap turn into so much climbing rope?

  • Why did Austin retrieve the bag without getting Banks to let the girl go first? Rather dim.

  • A bit convenient when Austin finds the bag with the bow in it?

  • When did Austin get the time to build the hide beneath which he was camouflaged before attacking Jensen?

  • Austin then shoots Jensen - in the backpack? Why not through the neck or head!

  • Dominika finds Jensen's backpack, but not Jensen's body, a few feet away. Not much of a search!

  • Why did Austin, having picked the baddies off one by one (Rambo-style), does he choose to run, completely exposed, across a rock face in full view of Banks?

  • When Banks has Austin semi-conscious and totally at his mercy, why does he choose to run off and leave him to recover?

  • Banks finds the scooters. He knows he can get away. He has already ruthlessly killed several of his fellow baddies, cops etc, but he chooses to merely punch Austin's daughter. Not very likely.

And finally, and worst of all: - Banks finds three scooters. He is being chased by two goodies. Why, in heaven's name, doesn't he disable the other two?

I don't mind a little bit of dramatic licence for plot development purposes, but this film just took it way too far. Don't waste your time.
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