Little House on the Prairie: Family Quarrel (1975)
Season 1, Episode 16
Love AND Marriage?
5 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Our story begins on the Olesons: Nels and Harriet, happily married. Oh, sure, they have their little quarrels and spats here and there, but other than that, they're the perfect couple... Not buying it? Yeah, me neither. Today, Harriet kept bitching about Nels' dog, then his fishing paraphernalia, and finally his use of the cough medicine, which contains alcohol, and brother, he needs it. Caroline stops by with a new batch of eggs, which once again are not to Harriet's liking. Finally fed up with his wife, Nels decrees he will put his foot down and judge the eggs from then on. Harriet crowns the king of the castle with the basket of eggs, diminishing his dignity even further. When Charles heard, he laughed his ass off. Caroline on the other hand felt somewhat responsible for the fight. It didn't stop at the eggs, however. Nels attempted to call a truce, but Harriet wouldn't budge. More harsh words were exchanged. As a result, Nels moved out and into the hotel a few buildings away. News of the Olesons' fight spread throughout hero township and Olesons' Mercantile was busier than ever, mainly with people looking for gossip. Reverend Alden attempted to intervene and get Harriet and Nels to make peace, which only resulted in a bigger fight.

Being a healer, Doc Baker wondered if perhaps he could heal sick marriages as well, so he devised a plan wherein it would look as though Mr. Hanson was trying to steal Harriet away. It took a lot of convincing, but Hanson agreed to go along with the ploy. I dunno...Harriet Hanson? It could work. But pouring flour all over him quickly ended that arrangement. In light of all this madness, Harriet decided she and the children would leave Walnut Grove. Nels didn't seem to mind. Good riddance, right? Luckily it's Charles Ingalls to the rescue as he concludes that the Olesons' marriage seemed to be based upon Harriet being the dominant one but giving in to Nels from time to time. This latest fight was blown completely out of proportion which resulted in the Olesons splitting up. They had but one chance to butt in and save an ailing marriage. The Ingallses applied a little reverse psychology, each speaking ill of the others' spouse only to surprisingly see them come to their defense. It seems that it wasn't entirely over between them. Nels and Harriet began to realize just how special they were to each other as they searched deep, deep within themselves. It was all there, it hadn't gone. So they ran back into each others' arms and so all was well, right? Let's just say that history has a real lousy habit of repeating itself. Th-th-th-th-That's all, folks!

This was the first of many spats between Nels and Harriet, the couple of the ultimate love/hate relationship. Well, needless to say Richard Bull and Katherine MacGregor were splendid and portrayed the perfect bickering couple. One of my favorite scenes is Doc Baker trying to convince Mr. Hanson to try and pick up on Mrs. Oleson. Kevin Hagen and Karl Swenson were so funny, particularly Karl and the looks on his face when he set about his daunting task. Michael Landon and the lovely Karen Grassle do not go unnoticed in terms of wonderful performances. While this episode is not perfect or fantastic, it's still decent enough. Hard to believe it's only the 16th episode and already the Olesons are at each others' throats, and there is more to come.
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