Bad and not even in a good way
27 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The last DVD left in my Ed Wood box, Night of the Ghouls. Again, Ed Wood loved to keep me on my toes after being surprised by the last couple of films that I saw that were created by him. Glen or Glenda being a sad documentary that went into a strange warped scary movie. Plan 9 which is just as hilarious as they say it is. Bride of the Monster which is silly but meant with good intentions and a great performance by Bela Lugosi . Jail Bait which turned out to be a good film and was extremely well written. Night of the Ghouls was made after Plan 9 from Outer Space, so I know that he wasn't on his hot streak any more. But bless him, he does try, unfortunately he fell flat with this one. While it's certainly silly at times, with some over the top bad special effects, bad performances there are some laughingly bad moments. But given credit where it's due, I understood where Ed Wood was going with this story and had the creepy elements to it, they just were not met with the limited means that he should have been given.

A team of scam-artist mediums make money out of unsuspecting clients until, much to their surprise, some real ghosts arrive to haunt them.

I don't know if I would recommend this film, if you are looking to watch any of Ed Wood's work, I would say to go for it. But it's a bad movie, like I said, it's the actors and the special effects that really killed the whole idea of what Ed Wood had in mind. He has a couple of his regulars in here, but unfortunately not the good kind with Criswald and the ever larger than life Tor Johnson. But Ed Wood never did judge people, if he did he would never have any friends. I think the funniest thing about this film was the flying trumpet that was so obviously being hung on a string. There are walking skeletons that are obviously being propped up. Like I said, not good effects, but they get a good chuckle. Over all, not the worst movie I have ever seen in my life, but it is Ed's worst since you could give credit where it's due with his other films. However Ed Wood had passion for film and I hope that future generations will see his gift and study his work. His world may be crazy, but at least he gave it a very good try.

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