Deathlands (2003 TV Movie)
The only word to describe this movie is: Wow! (and not in a good way)
12 April 2011
I guess someone had been playing a bit too much "Fallout" and "Borderlands" and decided to make a movie out of that concept, and while they were at it, toss in some elements of classic fantasy. The only problem is that it just did mix well.

The story wasn't well knitted together, there were too many elements trying to be mixed together, and it came out as very confusing and lacking a wholesome unity.

One thing that really didn't sit well with me was the red light that was supposed to be how the world was in 2021, a chemically induced toxin sky. Well, the idea was well enough, but seeing a whole movie in red was just a bit too much. It was more frustrating and annoying to look at than it was beneficial to the movie.

The cast in the movie was fairly good enough, nothing overly impressive here. Seeing Tracy Lords in the movie, might be interesting to some. I, however, found her to be too much and I am sure her name was on the poster just to entice the male audience. Sales tricks like that might just work, eh?

The overall impression of the movie, for me, was really bad. The movie had a weak story, weak continuity and weak entertainment value. I am sure that some of the ideas for the script worked well enough on paper (or even if it was published as a book), but on the screen? No, not so much.
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