Chad Vader (2006 Video)
Grocery Wars
1 April 2011
I'm a Star Wars fan, and in a strange way it seems that parodying Star Wars has taken on a life of it's own, it's just such an easy and timeless property for parody because just like the movie franchise the jokes just never get old. This web series is another in that long line but it's one of the really good ones.

What makes this work is that it not just parodies on Star Wars but in a way it acts as a series on it's own due to the fact that the story does develop, and you almost care about what happens with the characters. What goes on around them and the nature of their situations is absurd but they act casual about it which makes it all the more funny.

This series is amateur production, it's low budget but they use it well and I really don't see how this could of worked on an even bigger budget anyway. I like the use of location they used a real grocery store, so at times they had to film in the late night when it was closed even though it looked like it was day. The effects and action is decent. So is the acting which is good/decent. But it's really the dialog in the film that is very good, some of it is more than just puns on "Star Wars" but some of what they originally say is great.

I really like the characters and the absurd nature of them, mostly Chad whom isn't Darth Vader he has some of the same characteristics but he's his own person. He's a tyrannical wannabe, he is smart but at the same times he's not. And yet he is still able to do his job well despite causing some mischief intentionally or unintentionally. My favorite moments are whenever he is using to force on people but it doesn't always work out very well. His sidekick Wexler is funny and at times a show stealer, he's naive and kinda an idiot but is loyal to Chad and believes in the same things as him. Chet is the villain of this show, he's a fun villain he just a butt head that just like Chad is a tyrannical wannabe only differences are he wants to abuse that power and he's just a butt head. And as the series progresses it gets stranger and better, like in season 4 the highlight was the inclusion of the Stormtroopers which was just comic gold.

In a way this series is a love letter to the fans of "Star Wars" and to the character Darth Vader himself, in a way there was always that attraction to his villainy from his actions, look and his voice, he was a force to be reckoned with and fascinated with. This series might not be for everyone so if your a fan of "Star Wars" or sci-fi in general then this comedy will appeal to you. The force is strong with this series.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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