Point of Entry (2007 TV Movie)
Very entertaining and thrilling!
25 March 2011
I first saw this movie on Lifetime and loved it. I like the suspense, the thrill, and the plot of this movie. I was very entertained by it. I found myself glued to the screen of the TV and did not get up to take a break until the commercials came on. I was very intrigued by the character Caleb and his personality.

I watched a lot of movies where there was a psycho stalker, but I find Caleb more appealing than the others. His obsession of being a knight and finding his princess is very interesting to me and different than other stalkers. I loved the character Katherine played by Holly. Her personality was calm and caring and even though she went through such a traumatic experience she was still a sweetheart with some edge to her. I love that and can see why Caleb pictured her as his perfect princess.

The movie is like a perfect fairy tale gone wrong with a dark twist, and I love it for that. I like this movie very much and would love to see it again.
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