Visually stunning, surreal, comedy, drama
25 March 2011
Bunny and the Bull starts with the lead character Stephen a Paranoid Neurotic living a hermit like existence. What could have happened to him to make him this way, well through a series of flash backs from a road trip with his mate Bunny a year earlier we are about to find out.

Let me start by saying this film is Visually brilliant, it uses so many idea's and creativity to set the scene in a surreal imaginary way for me this was the best feature of this film and credit is due to everyone involved on this front.

Edward Hogg plays Stephen who does a good job of creating his paranoid character and is always believable. Te film centres around the whole buddy premise, in this case the comedy double act of the straight v's funny guy e.g Morecambe and Wise

Stephens friend is Bunny played by Simon Farnaby, he is supposed to be the lovable idiot and supposed to provide the laugh's.

The other main character is Eloisa played by Veronica Echegui who supply's the love interest and creates the antagonist between the two friends.

The supporting cast was very good and a notable performance from Julian Barret as Atilla and Noel Fielding has a small part as Matador Javier. These are the people that supply the laughs because what could have been a good comedy role in Bunny turned into a stomach turning weak wooden embarrassment. This is where the whole film falls down, without a strong Bunny performance the whole thing falls flat. Dude i don't know if it was the writing or dude i don't know if it was just the performance but dude the character didn't become the lovable idiot he became the annoying idiot that said dude too much plus he looked like Patrick Swayze with a blonde afro. Now considering Bunny was in most scenes it left the whole thing falling flat and lacking in laugh's. Verónica Echegui had some of the funniest moments and she certainly understands comic delivery but was also given funnier lines. She was a character that I liked a lot but sadly this wasn't about her. The problem with something like this is you need to care about the friendship and they did try and use all the tricks in the book, there was even a few Frodo/Samwise moments in there. If you are going to make a film that isn't plot driven or story driven then you need that friendship to carry the film and in this case it failed. There were also attempt at cheap laughs in the form of crude visual gags that maybe a 12 yr old would find funny but come on guys I expect better. Overall I wasn't totally disappointed but maybe a little let down as this could have been better either with better writing and dialogue or just a better Bunny, i mean dude !!! It was a visual treat with some amazing concepts let down by a weak supporting role which was the catalyst for the film. 5/10
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