Too long, no story
12 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Änglagård series was apparently a big hit in the 1990 here in Scandinavy, i kind of remember seeing the movie-poster a couple of place but i have never actually seen the movies. From what i gathered it was about a Swedish city girl returning to her ancestral village an causing all kind of situations and incidents with her modern and fresh way contrasted to the conservative villagers. Maybe the experience is better if you've seen the former movies, but to be honest you probably have to be a very big fan of the series to enjoy this. Fanny who has now settled down in Malorca let her daughter Alice convince her and Zac (Alice step-dad and longtime friend of Fanny) to return to Anglagård to discover the true about who her father and Alice grand father might be. Apart from the priest nobody in the village want to have to deal with her and try rather awkwardly to stop her in her investigations, although it's really unclear why. The mystery in itself really isn't deep or interesting to say the least and deal with the past of Fanny's relatives. It is resolved less than an hour into the movie and my first though was "can i go now?" , but no, the movie goes on and on and it get even less interesting with characters whose antics might get a smile out of you if you're easily entertained and haven't been bored to death by then.

The actors do an OK job presenting theirroles, but there is no real story and their motives are really unclear. 15 year's old Alice seem hellbent to know the place her mother's family is from and to find out about her relatives, however when it is done she seems to lose interest (she barely talks to her new found grandpa's) but still want to stay in Anglagård,a little place in the middle of nowhere where everyone is your relative, every teenager's dream place. The villagers in the start of the movie treat Fanny like an outsider , but it isn't clear why since they all know her from the former movies and most of them have no particular reason to dislike her. The movie explore a few more plots along the lines of gossips about some weird incest story,but it just get more ridiculous and uninteresting and goes nowhere. The imagery in the movie are nice, and you'll see a lot of nice takes on the Swedish countryside, but there are plenty of good Scandinavian movies who fit that bill and on top of that have a believable plot and great story. Only the more hardcore fans of the original movies would find any interest in Änglagård - Tredje gången gillt , for the rest of us, you better avoid it, there are better Swedish movies out there.
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