Review of Sexy

Glee: Sexy (2011)
Season 2, Episode 15
Sexy-What Workd & What didn't...
9 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Sexy- This episode was actually one of my favorites to date, first what worked for me. Loved that Blaine chose to approach Burt on Kurt's behalf and that Burt actually followed through with it. That character is a wonderful father and is very well acted by Mike O'Malley. Kurt and Blaine having their conversation was also very well done, I felt sorry for Kurt, I felt embarrassed for him and I felt compassion for Blaine. This particular arc was done very well. Holly and Will, what to say? HAWT! I totally dig their chemistry it is so natural and apparent, great casting. Their rendition of Kiss was fantastic. Holly's character is very well played by Gwyneth Paltrow, she is a natural in my opinion, which is odd as I normally don't like her as an actress. I think her song with Brittany and Santana was beautiful and moving and I truly felt Santana's confusion and pain, and that Brittany handled it very well. Heather Morris is really developing that character so much more this season than she did last season, the better story lines are really helping.

I was glad also to see less of Rachel and Mercedes. Don't get me wrong, I love the Diva's, but it's nice to have a break from them once in a while. Emma and her issues are so cute and her inner conflicts are Jayma May's strengths, I laughed and laughed at 'Afternoon Delight'. As soon as the opening strains of music started I blurted out that it was a song about a 'nooner'. So funny as were the 'Partridge Family' costumes. John Stamos is a true breath of fresh air and I'll be sorry to see his tenure on the show end. What didn't work for me is the continuation of the Puck/Lauren story line. Don't get me wrong, Lauren is a great character and she brings a lot to the club as a whole, however, I don't see any chemistry between Mark Salling and Ashley Fink. It's actually almost painful to watch. I don't want to see Puck change his 'bad boy' ways for anyone, that's half of what makes Puck well, Puck.

Quinn and Finn are also one of the most mis-matched couples on this show. Dianna Agron is a fabulous actress with great range and depth and conviction, you could almost believe she is this actual character. However, mixing her up with Cory Monteith (who although a decent singer and good looking guy) is simply not working at all. He is just an actor saying his lines, I believe the acting more when he is confused and hurting then playing this version of Finn. I believed Sam and Quinn was a better couple than her and Finn ever was. Finn and Rachel IMO make a better pair because of their awkwardness and naiveté rather than in spite of it. All in all it was definitely one of the better episodes; although very light on the Sue aspect, which is akin to having a Scrubs episode sans Dr. Perry Cox. I'm interested to see how her Oral Intensity comes up against New Directions and as always can't wait to see the Warblers. I would like to see Jesse make a resurgence maybe a cameo or something, and I think that there should be a shake up in the future, possibly a new jock at the school that decides that Rachel is worth all the crazy and he's actually not looking to be a part of the Glee Club!
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