Castle: Countdown (2011)
Season 3, Episode 17
Great Fiction When You Suspend Your Disbelief
1 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I know, Castle fans, I did not give this a ten out of ten, and for that, I ask forgiveness. But if I was going to grade this based on all Castle episodes, I would say at the very least, Knockdown was better, but I didn't hate it. In fact, far from it. This was a great episode.

That said, we start this episode where the last one left off, with Beckett and Castle facing certain death in a freezer. But seeing as this isn't the end of the season, much less the end of the series, we're pretty sure they're gonna make it. And they do, but not without some shivery confessions of how sorry they are that they got each other in such a fix and one potential confession of love (but we'll never know for sure because Beckett passes out around "lo-"). After the grand rescue, they do some digging, figure out who the Bad Guy is, and run all over town after him.

And, oh yeah, Beckett's Honey Bunches of Lovin' Josh decides that his girlfriend is more important than Haiti and shows up just in time to use his medical expertise on the hypothermic pair. Damn Josh and his wild romantic notions! Doesn't he know that being there for his girlfriend only gets in the way of Castle being there for her?! Anyway, after the Bad Guy gets caught, we face a dilemma that very few Cop shows face these days, and that is that the suspect isn't talking. I know what you're thinking, and that is, "Wait, you mean when they sat him down and told him they knew he was guilty, he didn't just deflate and say, 'Oh, damn, you got me...'?" I'm totally thinking the same thing, but this guy even withstands a gun to his face, so we know he's not playing around. Because most suspects see the gun and go, "J/K. J/K!" So, back to square one, our group does some fancy out-of-the box thinking and they figure it out and get to the bomb just in time to see.... that they're about thirty seconds from dying. Seriously, the fact that Caskett got to it in time is a miracle on its own because Castle used some psychologicalness to figure out what route the bomber would use, and there's no bomb squad people with them.

So, Crap. What do you do when you're very certainly going to die in the next few seconds? They can't run, and I think the best part of the whole episode is what they did next: Much like the end of Toy Story 3, they grabbed hands and held on. No words, because let's face it, if you're in that kind of situation with no time to think, it's hard enough to breathe, much less talk. And then, in truly Castley fashion, our hero reaches out and grabs the fistful of wires and pulls. And we're stuck thinking "UM!....."


And then laughter. Because it totally worked.

The thing is, Caskett nearly died holding onto one another not once, but twice in a single day. I don't know about you, but I'd totally need a drink or seven, but they're cool with just laughing over it at the precinct. And even though this episode was a lot of fun, the writers had to stretch the truth quite a bit. But in the end, we'll overlook the ridiculously fast hypothermia recovery absent of frostbite, the sheer stamina and lack of Post-Traumatic breakdowns of our heroes, and all the science and reality behind industrial freezers and dirty bombs, and we'll focus on the most important thing:

Josh sucks.

Oh, and P.S. One way the writers could go, if they wanted to be especially daring, would be at the end of the series to flash back to the freezer or the bomb and have us realize that it was all just a dream or a flash of what could have been between Beckett and Castle as they died.
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