Undead to the End
27 February 2011
It's no secret that the original Red Dead Redemption was an amazing game. And what does every amazing game need? Zombies! So does Undead Nightmare live up to it's original or is it truly a Nightmare?

The year is 1914 and John Marston is trying to get his life back in order after having to kill his former friends. Just when he thinks everything will work out a zombie plague sweeps over the Western frontier. After his wife and son become infected John ties them up and heads out to find a cure.

One of the best things about Undead Nightmare is how it's so similar yet so different from the original Red Dead Redemption. The zombies are very different from your standard outlaws. For one almost all of them fight hand to hand which makes cover less important than finding higher ground. They also need to be taken down with shots to the head as they take a lot of bullets to kill and ammo is limited. You'll come into towns from the original game overrun by zombies that you'll have to kill if you want information, ammo, a place to sleep, and fast travel from as you can no longer fast travel from camps.

The game looks great. Everything about the games presentation from the voice acting, sound track, landscapes, and the disgusting sound of a zombies head exploding perfectly immerse you in the game.

If there is one downside to the game is that there's so little variety. Sure there are different breeds of zombies and new horses but if you play one hour of Undead Nightmare, you've played all of it. But this is a small grievance when what's here is so well done.
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