Craig Ferguson is a pompous D-Bag!
27 February 2011
I have seen about 5 episodes since the show has been on and caught one recently. I can't stand the guy or his "humor". I guess most Americans are easily entertained by his foreign accent or something. I was a huge Kilborn fan and was so bummed out when you lose a natural comedic like Kilborn to Craig Ferguson. I only knew him from the Drew Carey show as a side character, so you can figure my shock that they gave this idiot his own talk show.

However, as I said he has never once made me laugh even a little. I find it very difficult getting past his narcissistic pompous attitude and demeanor. You can tell he's one of those guys always expecting every little word and sentence that comes out of his mouth to be funny. You can tell from his attitude like it's the audiences obligation to laugh at his every comment and he's expecting it. Ridiculous.

Not to mention when he interviews guests he's super loud like he's interviewing them from 50 feet away. Plus he constantly interrupts his guests when interviewing them and talks over them in a patronizing way. Then he constantly looks out to the audience for reassurance that he's funny when interviewing the guest. I guess he's really insecure or something. I wont be watching this show again..just sickening.
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