17 February 2011
I'm not even a Justin Bieber hater (though that kind of surprises me because he is the exact type of thing I usually rail against on my blog) but I feel like I need to take a 12 hour shower after watching this useless, horrible disgusting piece of "entertainment" with my sister. Yeah I like to hang out with my sister and we BOTH wanted to go see this movie thinking we'd at least get a laugh. Boy was I wrong, this was just awful. His performance is terrible, it's as if this vain little pubeless kid thinks all he has to do is stand there and let 10 year old girls scream at his stupid haircut. The songs are terrible, there's a few attempts to create visual spectacle of some sort but all of it is just awful and pointless. LOL to the reviewer who referred to him as "Miss Bieber" that's awesome. Way more entertainment out of that one joke than I got out of this entire pointless vain movie that's for sure.
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