Phineas and Ferb (2007–2024)
OK show in the beginning and now becoming overrated and Losing it's Touch.
14 February 2011
OK im going to start off by saying i never really liked this show in the first place. I thought in the beginning it wasn't bad it just wasn't my cup of tea but its not terrible and i actually thought some of the jokes were pretty good at points (especially in the very first episode). But now looking 4 years later after it's HUGE success... it's becoming TOO OVERRATED. And not only that it's losing it's touch it's not even that funny anymore half of the jokes have already been used in countless other episodes. And did i also mention that every episode is the same plot over and over and over again? Here's the plot Phineas and Ferb two lonely outcasts who make robotic contraptions meanwhile there pet platypus Perry is an undercover agent behind their backs and is fighting the EVIL Dr. Doofenschmirtz. And Phineas and Ferb's Bratty sister Candice tries to stop them and then in the end When Perry is fighitng Doofenschmirtz somehow manages to break the contraption Phineas and Ferb made and then Candice tries to show it to her Mom and sees nothing and then Perry comes back to them normal and Candice is grounded and everything is back to normal. It gets old really fast. But just because im going on topic of what's bad about the show there is somethings that are good about this show. For instance, Perry i just gotta admit having a Platypus as a Secret Agent fighting a silly evil doctor is pretty cool and i also liked how they got Vincent Martella to do Phineas his voice fits so perfectly with his role. So overall it was good in the beginning now turning into another Main Stream washout. If you would like to watch the show watch Seasons 1 and some of 2 not the others for reasons i said in this review. -AssLag
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