Review of Outcast

Outcast (2010)
The Scottish Connor Chronicles
11 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What happens when you like horror movies in addition to a dozen of other horror/action/adventure/TV shows but only have limited amount of time and money? You get Outcasted.

I stopped counting around 12 or so of movies (and one TV show – the blatant references to The Sarah Connor Chronicles made me wonder if they had an original idea) Outcast reminded me of. One in particular, The Beast Within, sadly I have not finished watching (thanks Netflix streaming for holding my place) but it sure had similarities to the hour I've seen so far.

While I'm always attracted to werewolf movies, I was surely tricked into seeing this one. The trailer didn't give too much and the poster – oh, boy – really made me think I was going to see one. Do not be fooled: this has as much to do with the werewolf lore as Twilight: New Moon does.

Also, this movie is just plain overloaded with far too many plots/directions and it doesn't help that, though they speak English, the accents were as thick as the blood spilled in the film. Though I did admire they didn't make a straight-forward horror/beast story, this really bogged it down too far for most to follow. Further, they shot most of it in the dark – and I mean DARK, so good luck with the visuals.

(The following paragraph reveals a lot of the plot, and is considered spoilers. Suffice it to say, it dissects roughly 9 directions the movie makes you weave in and out of to finally get a grasp of what this movie's really about.)

Mommy (Bradley) and son (Bruton) not only have to keep on moving from town to dump, they have to arrange demonic symbols to ward off...something. Meanwhile, a hunter needs permission to, well, hunt the boy. Meanwhile, a beast is lurking in the shadows snatching women at night. Meanwhile, Mommy's paranoid and wards off anyone asking questions while trying to get her son to be gay. (Okay, not really true, but close enough.) Meanwhile, a gang terrorizes a neighbor and soon-to-be girlfriend of the Fergal, the son. Meanwhile, she's having a heavy burden of taking care of her "slow" brother and demanding mother. Meanwhile, there's another hunter who talks with the dead and disagrees with the traveling hunter. Meanwhile, more and more is revealed about Mommy's past. Meanwhile, Fergal's horny and that's not a good thing…

While the movie's all over the place, it was still worth a shot to see. The acting's pretty good and the cinematography is decent – when it's bright out, that is. But, after you get past all those "meanwhiles" (or subplots, some of which I probably overlooked) you will finally get the conclusion that (REALLY DOESN'T – I'm still confused) sorta explains it all.
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