Not THAT bad
6 January 2011
I expected much worse having read the reviews. It wasn't awesome but it wasn't terrible either.

I could have done without the mediocre filmography... what's with the old-timey 8mm special effects with some of the flashbacks? There are places in the film where it's totally obvious that this was intended for limited release or direct to disc. Closeups on characters faces where the original would have had a wide angle view instead are a dead giveaway that when this movie was filmed, no one knew whether or not it would make it to the big screen.

I also could have done without half the soundtrack. Some of the music was inserted where it was not necessary or useful to forwarding the story... in some places it took away from the storytelling.

It's also loaded with curses without clever usage... they don't even fit into the story, they were just superfluous and stupid. "We got prison ******... in the ***".

Not necessary and it removes quality from the final product.

All that said I did like this movie more than I thought I would. There are a few aspects that redeem it, in particular those places without background music, and without campy dialogue... where they just focused on the conversation and the story.

This could have been better. Overall, its flaws remind of the old adage 'too many cooks stirring the pot'. But I did like the movie despite it's problems.

Would I buy a copy and watch it over and over again, like I did the original? No. But I watched it on Netflix and it didn't disappoint me with regard to entertainment value. It's worth watching once or twice.
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