Review of Diabolique

Diabolique (1955)
You may want to be careful if you happen to have a heart condition!
4 December 2010
It says on the DVD that I bought that this is a classic, so I thought it was about time I gave this a try. And boy, it certainly didn't disappoint!

I usually only know this kind of nail biting suspense throughout the entire movie from Hitchcock thrillers, but director Clouzot could not have done a better job!

This is high tension suspense pure! The viewer - although aware, of course, that killing is a bad thing - finds himself cheering the cruel headmaster's wife and his mistress on as they go about killing him. After all, it does seem like a "good cause". And just as one believes to understand what is going on, the rules of the game change, and one anxiously wonders what turn of events is waiting around the next corner till the very end!

An absolute masterpiece, with a brilliant little twist at the end. One cannot do better for a suspense thriller.

But be warned - nothing for weak hearts!
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