Hired Gun (2009)
Hired Gun should have aimed lower
27 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, Hired Gun clearly has a far left perspective story-wise, which contributes to some of the absurdity found in the film. Now I happen to enjoy absurdity, but that and the liberal perspective are beside the point, the point being whether or not the film entertains. Unfortunately, not enough to recommend it, and I don't say that out of some political bias (for ex., I enjoyed the dtv film Conspiracy with Val Kilmer). My guess is that the folks responsible for Hired Gun were not trying to make any kind of political statement, rather they were just injecting what they know into the film, leftism.

At any rate, this was an ambitious film that evidently lacked all of the proper resources and an adequate budget. Some filmmakers recognize the limitations and adjust the story or budget accordingly, scaling back if necessary, this film did not. As a result many elements are lacking, the action scenes are nothing to write home about, dialog is standard fare, and a crucial plot point suffers because of sub-par special effects. Certainly some things work, for example the leads Shane Wood and Esther Canata have solid screen presence and nice chemistry with one another. This is an honest effort from those involved, but unfortunately it falls short in my humble opinion.
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